
Classification is a process that is done at Deaf Sports Australia. All applications will be sent to the Classification team at Deaf Sports Australia. Once processed, applicants will then receive a classification letter confirming the eligibility status of the athlete in both Deaf-run sport events (eg; Deaflympics) and mainstream sport events (eg; national championships).

Thank you to Expression Audiology for their support.

See the tables below to get an idea of what each competition/sport require.

The purpose of this classification process is to inform all organisations of what sporting level you are eligible to enter. Different competitions have different eligibility codes.

Where required, sports committees under Deaf Sports Australia will ask for a copy of classification letter.

Fill in the online form below (scroll down) or download the Classification form to get a classification letter from Deaf Sports Australia.

Online Classification Form


  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Letter from Audiologist must include details of average 3FAL hearing loss in both ears.
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, docx, Max. file size: 512 MB.