Updates from Deaf Sports Australia

With the ever-changing impacts our nation is currently experiencing, the team at Deaf Sports Australia is working hard to stay informed and keep the deaf sporting community updated on a regular basis. Deaf Sports Australia is currently working with Sports Australia and the Australian Government and will endeavour to post updates in a timely manner.

Deaf Sports Australia would like to dedicate this page for public information updates regarding the COVID-19 impact. Please visit this page regularly to keep up to date with us at Deaf Sports Australia.

Announcement updates from Deaf Sports Australia

News updates from States and Territories

Other updates and resources

You can find updates and valuable resources from the Australian Government, its Department of Health and Sports Australia.

Check their websites below to find out more.

Information about Vaccination in Australia

You can find out more about vaccination by clicking on the buttons below. Information are available in both English and Auslan. Captions are also available on the Auslan videos too.

Updates in Auslan

Video updates by Expression Australia and the Deaf Society.