Endeavour Hills Deaf Hub

Bringing the community of deaf and hard of hearing people together is an urgent need after the impact of COVID-19 pandemic which severely restricted community, social and personal interaction over the last 18 months.

Deaf and hard of hearing people who need access to good communication to effectively participate in society, work, community sport and recreation activities were seriously impacted by the lack of a community hub space and the COVID pandemic restrictions – creating real concerns with community engagement and development disconnect, obesity, mental health, wellbeing and accessible physical activity / sport development options.

Our Deaf Hub project is funded/supported by the following:

This project is a way to bring the community back together through offering various sport, recreation, community, leadership and social development programs and provide a 'return to community' hub initiative. This will help restore confidence, interest in community participation, physical activity participation and fitness, capacity building and reducing the pandemic’s impacts.

The project addresses these concerns through providing a ‘hub’ access to various sport, recreation, fitness, advocacy, community information and development programs to suit a range of deaf and hard of hearing people including seniors, women, families, school-aged children, young people, deaf people with other disabilities or from other backgrounds and the community as a whole.

Our collaboration team involves the following group/organisations:

  • Deaf Victoria
  • Casey Deaf Club
  • Endeavour Hills Neighbourhood Centre
  • Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre

A Sport and Community Development Officer will be appointed shortly to co-ordinate this project and work with all partners and the community to make it a success.

The hub is located in a metropolitan corridor where many deaf and hard of hearing people live, we are able to provide a sustainable community development hub experience for them.

You can find us at:

10 Raymond McMahon Blvd

Endeavour Hills


Everyone is welcome! This includes families, friends, carers, colleagues and other people working with the deaf and hard of hearing people.

  • Deaf and hard of hearing Victorians
  • Deaf and hard of hearing School aged kids
  • Deaf and hard of hearing Seniors
  • Deafblind and deaf people with a disability
  • Deaf LGTIBQ and CALD communities
  • Others

There are all sorts of activities that will take place at the Hub. They are listed in two separate groups; sports & recreation and community activities.

Sport & Recreation:

  • During and after-school sport & recreation programs
  • Sport programs
  • Sport training venue for Deaf sport clubs
  • Multi-sport events
  • Sport committee meetings and training
  • Targeted ‘Come ‘n Try and fitness programs for deafblind, deaf with other disabilities, seniors and others
  • Other


Community activities:

  • Community information workshops
  • Advocacy awareness training
  • Social and community meetings
  • Wellbeing workshops (eg. personal development, yoga, etc)
  • Computer literacy training
  • Community engagement sessions
  • Social events
  • Deaf childcare and development program
  • Targeted social ‘drop-in’ programs for deafblind, deaf with other disabilities, seniors and others
  • Auslan learning
  • Other

The Deaf Hub project is supported by Access for All Abilities, an initiative of the Victorian Government.