Sport Inclusion Australia, Deaf Sports Australia and Blind Sports Australia

The peak bodies for athletes with an intellectual impairment, or who are deaf and hard of hearing or who are blind or vision impaired have reaffirmed their commitment to continue working collaboratively for the benefit of each organisation and the athletes they represent.

The three organisations Sport Inclusion Australia, Deaf Sports Australia and Blind Sports Australia entered into a collaboration agreement as part of the Sport Australia MoveitAUS program in 2019. Since this initial program the three organisations have continued to work together in an effort to maximise the provision of services, opportunities and programs for their respective cohorts, while at the same time exploring how to minimise duplication, work more cohesively to improve the overall services and to determine efficient ways to source and use Government and Philanthropic funds.

Subsequent to the MoveitAUS program, Sport Inclusion Australia, Deaf Sports Australia and Blind Sports Australia signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which along with the Sport Australia funding agreement ended on 30 June 2020.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic Sport Australia has extended the funding agreement until 30 June 2021.

Having successfully implemented the June 2019 Funding Agreement, the three organisations have agreed to renew the MOU under the same terms and conditions and have also agreed to explore the benefits of collaboration beyond the projects which were developed as part of the initial June 2019 Funding Agreement.

A joint statement from all three organisations. “Our three organisations have been in operation for many years, each with vast experience in providing inclusive sporting opportunities and programs for our athletes. The last 12 months has re-affirmed our belief that we share synergies and that working together affords us further opportunity to have greater impact for our members. We all look forward to continuing the collaboration and opportunity to develop further collaborative models”

The parties recognise the different roles each organisation plays and that by supporting each other’s role the chance of success is greater for all parties.

Original source: Media Release

For further information please contact:

Robyn Smith
Chief Executive Officer
0418 979 459
Sport Inclusion Australia

Phil Harper
General Manager
0434 603 497 (SMS only)
Deaf Sport Australia

Matthew Clayton
Executive Officer
03 9864 9409
Blind Sports Australia