Deaf Sports Australia’s Auslan Videos

Following is a compilation of Auslan videos found across Deaf Sports Australia’s website.

February 2021

2021 AGM via Zoom. Transcript can be found here.

AGM’s highlights: President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, 2022 ADG update, 2022 Deaflympics update and new proposal for ADG.

January 2021

An announcement from DSA regarding Deaflympics. Deaf Sports Australia will not be sending an Australian team to Brazil’s Deaflympics in 2021. General Manager Phil Harper shares the announcement in Auslan. Transcript can be found here.

September 2020

National Week of Deaf People. Deaf Sports Australia’s Sport Development Officer James Hale from Victoria interviews Melbourne Deaf Cricket Club as part of celebrating National Week of Deaf People. Captions are available on the video.